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Income Protection for Doctors

1.   You've invested a great amount to get where you are.
      2014 median cost of attendance for a 4 year medical school.* 
Public: $218,898
Private: $286,806
2.   You may have a huge amount of debt to pay back. 79% percent of medical school      graduates carry $100,000 or more of medical school debts.**
3. You have a lot of earning power on the line.
     In 2013, physicians earned between $176,000 and $413,000 annually--more than most other professions.***
4.  You'll probably be working a lot of extra hours. The U.S. faces an estimated       shortage of 90,000 physicians by 2025.****
5.  Disability occurs frequently.  You see it firsthand.
     1 in 4 of today's 20 year olds will become disabled before they retire.*****

     Approximately 90% of disabilities are caused by illnesses rather than        accidents.******
Many physicians  are  under insured when it comes to income protection
+ Limits should be adjusted for incomes that increase over time.
+ Coverage may be lacking correct features to maximize your protection.

Physician Financial and Insurance Services

1187 Coast Village Road # 220

Santa Barbara, CA 93108


Telephone: 1-800 318 6050



CA Insurance License #0B19335



***              Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2014

****            Washington Post

*****         Social Security Administration, Fact Sheet March 18, 2011

******       Council for Disability Awareness, Long Term Disability Claims Review, 2011  




Please contact me via phone or email for a complimentary review of your insurance needs.  We are here to help you navigate the complicated insurance application process successfully! Applying for Life and Disability Insurance does not guarantee coverage will be issued. Medical questions and underwriting done by the insurance company determines eligibility

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